Mrs Margaret Hastings
Maggie Hastings gained an Honours degree in Biochemistry from the University of Manchester in 1978. She has worked in Medical Research ever since. Her research career began in the Extracellular Matrix Group at the Medical School in the University of Manchester looking at enzymes associated with collagen breakdown and has worked on many cancer related projects including looking at late effects of radiotherapy treatment in the research labs at the Christie Hospital.
She began working at the Neurogastroenterology Unit in 2004. Maggie organises clinical trials of new medication and diagnostic tests for improving the care of IBS patients. She also carries out lactose intolerance, bacterial overgrowth, bowel transit tests and ano-rectal manometry on patients and is one of the team who answers calls to Professor Whorwell’s IBS Helpline.
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She began working at the Neurogastroenterology Unit in 2004. Maggie organises clinical trials of new medication and diagnostic tests for improving the care of IBS patients. She also carries out lactose intolerance, bacterial overgrowth, bowel transit tests and ano-rectal manometry on patients and is one of the team who answers calls to Professor Whorwell’s IBS Helpline.
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